About Phil:

Phil is an experienced exercise physiologist who brings a personal touch to his professional practice. His journey, marked by overcoming challenges including two surgeries to his right knee, fuels his passion for assisting others in achieving their health and movement goals. With a focus on building sustainable, life-enhancing habits, Phil empowers his clients with the knowledge and support needed to take confident steps forward. His empathy and understanding, shaped by his own experiences, makes him particularly adept at working with neurodiverse individuals, helping them to thrive as the healthiest, happiest, and most independent version of themselves.

Things that make me, me:

Phil likes to think of himself as a quirky person with a passion for helping other people especially when it comes to taking care of their health and forming positive experiences with exercise. Other than this, Phil likes learning new things, making a new recipe, making something with his hands, or building something for his house.

Other People Describe me as:

Loyal, Caring, Strong in convictions, Open-minded

For more information please visit Phil’s website: https://www.myexercisephysiology.au/